St. John's Lodge #115, F&AM
Philadelphia, PA

Dues, Fees, Tickets and Donations

Use this page to make payments directly to the Lodge using PayPal, the secure online banking service.  You can pay by credit or debit card, with the added assurance of knowing that your payment's been properly credited to the Lodge.

Dues and fees include an additional charge of 3% to cover PayPal fees, as we are not permitted to offer "discounts".  You can pay all standard dues and fees using the buttons below.

Current Members' Dues
Member name

For new members
Member name
Part-year dues: Month initiated or elected
Holiday Party Tickets

 For donations, use the Donate button.  Be sure to add any special instructions, such as "For Bro. Lee S. Lavinson - St. John's Hospice Program" or "In memory of..." on the second page.


 For all other Lodge payments, contact the Secretary for further instructions.